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5 places you must visit while in Calabar

If you’re heading to Calabar, don’t forget to check out these five places.

  1. Bird Park: This bird park is incredible! Filled with exotic birds and animals, it’s a sight to behold.
  2. The Cathedral: This cathedral is gorgeous, and worth exploring the interior of if you have time.
  3. Kainji Lake: Kainji Lake is a beautiful spot for swimming and hiking around the lake. It’s also great for snorkeling!
  4. Fort Jesus: If you love history, this fort is an absolute must-see when visiting Calabar! Inside are some incredible murals depicting scenes from the slave trade in West Africa during this period of time—it’s truly moving to see them up close.
  5. The Louw-Nkwantan Museum: If you enjoy art and history, this museum is sure to please! It houses many artifacts from Nigeria’s past as well as a collection of works by local artists who have lived in the area over many generations—it’ll leave you feeling inspired and thankful for our amazing culture

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